25 April 2008

6 - Mythical Creatures burlesque

We were nine strong last night and proud of it. Thank you so much to Elaine, Brett, Ashley, Amisha, Keith, Amy, Jessica, and Michelle for accompanying me to the Slipper Room last night for an evening of mythical creatures produced and hosted by the adorable and sassy, winner of a Golden Pastie for the Best Newcomer to Burlesque, Miss Precious Little , and the venerable and notorious queen of burlesque Miss Nasty Canasta.

All of the dancers embodied mythical creatures for their performances including GiGi La Femme and Anita Cookie as the sexy twin Sirens, Legs Malone as the gorgeous Driad, Clams Casino as the beautiful Naiad, Nasty Canasta as the lovable Jackelope, Tigger! as the handsome Merman and Precious Little as the magnificent Phoenix.

During this show, not only was I floored by the performances, I was also completely amazed at the beautiful and creative costuming. I can't even begin to imagine how much work must go into every show. Between the choreography, costuming, make-up and glitter, these women and men must spend countless hours preparing for each event. Let me get up on the soapbox for a minute and say as a resident of this great city and a burlesque-aficionado, I would like to extend all of New York's gratitude and appreciation for making Gotham a more glamorous place. Cheers.

Poster designed by Jeremy Newman

100 in 6 budget: $61

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