25 October 2008

The end

100 in 6
April 15 - October 23

We have come to the end of this challenge. It was a long haul, but this adventure has left me with more than just a slew of program books, a hole in my wallet, and a sleep deficit. It has left me with a renewed appreciation of independent theatre and acts that are not yet discovered, a lessened fear of being at a show with more players than members of the audience, and a boatload of memories and stories to tell. In short, it has been one hell of a good time.

The grand total of expenses:

tickets: $1315
incidentals: $567 + one pint of blood + a couple hundred alveoli

These totals don't include the cost of being out in New York either. If I really wanted to scare myself, I would have kept a budget of all the money I spent on drinks and food during the 100 in 6.

Thanks for reading! Please pass along any comments, words of advice, grammar corrections, and ideas for next summer. I am sure that there will be another adventure in the future, I just haven't thought of it yet.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Awesome, I don't think i could keep up with that kind of pace anymore! Congrats!