13 July 2008

51 - Warm July

Warm July
Ace of Clubs
11 July 2008, 2000

Thanks again to my friend and co-worker, Jeannie, I was able to have a lovely evening amongst family and friends of the band, enjoying a few cold beers, and listening to fun summertime music. I saw Warm July a few weeks ago at Kenny's Castaways and I didn't mention it when I posted about them, but they let me play a cymbal. Yes, it's true, I am a rock star. When Warm July enters and exits the stage, they bang pots and pans, cheer, sing, march, and invite the audience to play along. It makes for a fun, interactive experience. This time, I played these wooden blocks wrapped in sandpaper. Other people in the audience played cymbals, drum sticks, and tambourines. We are all rock stars. Yay!!!

100 in 6 budget: $620

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